Irina Vasilescu


Meet Irina Vasilescu, a dedicated shopping expert on a mission: to help others make the most of their money. Irina's friendly and insightful advice has made her a trusted source in the world of online shopping.

Irina's Background

Irina's smart shopping journey started at a young age. She always had a keen eye for details, carefully checking product quality, prices, discounts, and even the reputation of stores before buying anything. Realizing that not everyone has time for such detailed research, she decided to use her skills to help others. This led her to study at Marketing University and later join DontPayFull.

Expertise in Online Shopping

With over nine years at DontPayFull, Irina has used her research skills to help people save time and money online. She's great at finding discounts for teachers, military personnel, and students, as well as pointing out the best deals for big shopping events like Black Friday and Back-to-School. Irina is always looking for new ways to help her readers save more money.


Over the years, Irina's useful and practical advice has made its way into publications like Money Pantry and Money Q&A. But most of her work goes into DontPayFull, where she writes and updates content to make sure her readers know about the best deals available.

Beyond Irina's Shopping Expertise

When she's not uncovering the latest deals or writing shopping guides, Irina loves working on graphic and UI/UX design projects. You can see her creative touch in the attractive images on the DontPayFull blog and the user-friendly layout of the website. In her free time, Irina loves to travel. These adventures give her fresh insights into shopping trends worldwide that she shares with the DontPayFull community.

Contact Details

If you have questions, want to collaborate, or just share your latest shopping finds, you can reach her at [email protected].