One of the biggest problems people have with coupons is keeping them organized so that they can easily find the ones they need. You know you have a coupon for a product you’re about to buy, but where did you put it? Use these super-smart coupons organizing ideas to keep you saving at every opportunity.
Make a Coupon Binder
It’s easy to get cheap baseball-card or picture sleeves that you can slot into a regular office binder. Then, it’s just a matter of deciding how to organize.
Will you sort by product category, product name, or brand? What about general store discount coupons? Some people suggest sorting by product (not necessarily brand) name and having a separate section for store coupons that get you a flat discount on a product of your choice or a whole purchase.
Others say that sorting by category and date is the best solution. The coupons that are due to expire first are on top, and they file the ones that won’t expire for a while after that. Just as supermarkets are organized into departments, you would sort your coupons according to the product category. Examples of categories include baking, tinned foods, condiments, cleaning materials, women’s toiletries, and so on.
FREE binder cover!
Use an Accordion File
Accordion files already have different pockets that represent letters of the alphabet. You can use regular plastic sleeves or resort to baseball-card sleeves to store your coupons. Some couponers like storing whole coupon inserts from papers just in case, only cutting out and categorizing the ones they absolutely know they’ll use.
If you’re a “just in case” coupon collector who stores both whole inserts and cut coupons, the accordion file will work well for you because there are no paper size limitations.
How About an Index Card Box?
We’ve come across a few couponers who prefer to use an index card box. It’s nice and compact, and you can easily sort your coupons by product or product category name. It won’t work for those who want to store whole inserts, but coupon cutters will be able to get organized easily.
The one drawback is that the coupons’ paper is sometimes thin and floppy. Overcome this by separating coupons with stiff cards to stop them from getting crumpled.
Scrapbook with Picture Holders
Some folks find a scrapbook with picture holders effective. It has the advantage of being able to hold the larger coupons, and you can make tabs showing what you will find on each page. This solution will work for casual couponers, but it isn’t very flexible. If you suddenly discover a new category you want to tag halfway in, you won’t have a spare page for it.
The Couponizer
When there’s a need, someone clever will design a product to meet it. The couponizer will cost you a few dollars, but it’s not a huge outlay, and the couponizer is very cleverly put together. It’s specifically made for coupon storage, and there’s even a special place for your store loyalty cards. The very best thing is that you have a “my results” section to track your savings and keep you motivated.
So far though, there’s just one problem with all the organizers we’ve looked at. They work fine if you plan your shopping before you set out, but if you rush out to shop, you’ll have to drag a file or box along with you. Let’s look at some rather more portable organizers next.
Coupon Envelopes: A Simple Solution
If you like traveling light and don’t want to set off with your handbag plus a coupon bag, the best solution is a simple one. Just tag ordinary envelopes, pop your coupons into them, and take the ones you’re likely to use along in your handbag when you shop.
If you want to make them pretty and crafty, why not go for it? Use stiff colored or patterned card and double-sided tape to make simple envelope protectors and create attractive labels that you can read at a glance. What could be easier?
Once again, the way you organize your coupons is up to you! Sort by store, type of shopping trip, product category or product name. The only drawback we can see is that you won’t be able to take your whole coupon collection along if you’ve become a dedicated coupon collector.
Still, we should plan our shopping trips if we want to avoid impulse buying and come home with everything we need. If we plan, we can use one envelope and stuff it with the coupons we know for sure we’ll use.
Get or Make a Coupon Clutch
This coupon organizer is a little beauty. It looks just like an attractive tote bag, but it consists of two ring-binders covered with pretty fabric. Cloth flaps with Velcro fasteners close up the edges, and there’s a shoulder strap for easy carrying.
The advantage of making your own coupon clutch is that you can tailor the pockets on the bag to suit your needs. The commercial version has two pockets, but you might want more than that.
Repurpose Business Organizers
You can get some really attractive business organizers that are cloth or vinyl-covered and have zipper closures. Now, all you need to do is attach a handle, and you have a smart-looking bag with neatly organized coupons ready and waiting for your next shopping trip.
Organizing Coupons Is Fun and Effective
Whatever coupon organizing system works best for you, getting and keeping your coupons organized is fun and rewarding. The best part is when you can just put your finger on the coupon you need at a moment’s notice. Feels good, doesn’t it?
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